At a macro level, the global economy has not reached pre-2008 (Global Financial Crisis) growth levels, but indicators reflect a solid rebound underway. The global economy finished 2017 strong with real GDP growth gaining momentum. Looking forward, models predict continued growth, albeit at unequal rates across regions and economies (advanced versus developing). While emerging economies present the greatest growth opportunities and are the principal drivers of global economic recovery, those markets often present greater risks in terms of social stability, intellectual property protections, and other conditions potentially hazardous to doing business there.

At the micro level, each potential target country"s operating environment is marked by unique, nuanced characteristics. The risks are numerous and often hard to quantify. In broad terms, criteria from country to country can vary greatly across a spectrum of traits. What are the country"s economic growth and stability trends? How can societal norms and cohesiveness be characterized? How well is the country penetrated by communications and information technologies? What are the maturity and nature of legal, political, and regulatory institutions?

For a company that wants to expand into overseas markets, how does it answer these questions? How does it characterize opportunities and quantify risks? There is no shortage of data. Private and public resources provide detailed analysis of the different aspects of doing business internationally. O.T.H. International helps you make sense of it all.